Little Monster and Her First Love- Dad and Daughter Bonding!

Kids are wonderful, cute and purest soul and major credit goes to their first teachers of life, their parents. This father’s day, I would like to dedicate the post to my husband who has proved himself as the best father in this world.

I observe Neev’s every moment and there is the drastic change in her behavior whenever Puneet arrives home. Everything about her changes: her eyes, her expressions, her gestures and complete body language. Neev is never lukewarm in his presence. She may take my words for granted but her father’s words are unavoidable. She watches him minutely and hangs on to his every word. Her dad creates an aura for her that she tries to excel everything to gain bit more love of her dad, each time. When he teaches, she learns more rapidly. When he guides, she gains greater confidence. Although, her tantrums touches heights when he is around. I get overwhelmed to see how profoundly a father can influence his daughter’s life.

Thank you for every ounce of masculine courage and wit you owe as the father. Dad can set course for her daughter’s life, more than anyone else. You will be the most important man in her life forever and the dearest friend, always.


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  • Diksha Gupta
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